Common Park Rules
Amended 1/16/2024
1. Any incident not covered by these park rules is to be addressed as stated in the BCYA rule book. When not covered in the BCYA rule book refer to the MLB rule book.
2. A team may start a game with only 8 players. No out will be assessed for the missing 9th batter.
3. If a team can field only 9 players at the beginning of the game, and one becomes ill or is injured, it is not an automatic out at the player's turn at bat. If the player can return to the game, he or she will assume their original position in the batting order after one complete inning.
4. Line ups must be presented prior to game time; any players not present at game time must be included on the substitute list to enter the game later. Player's arriving after game time must be added at the bottom of the batting order.
5. Farm team rules will be addressed under each specific age division rule below in sections 301, 401, 501, 604, and 702. Any violation of the farm team rules will result in an automatic forfeit. Teams can only call up players in the case of a forfeit.
6. The starting time of a new inning will be determined when the third out is made in the bottom of the current inning. (If the home team is batting and the third out is made with any time remaining in the game, then the next inning must be played.) No new inning will be started after time limit has expired. In POSTSEASON TOURNAMENT PLAY, play will be suspended at 10:00 pm Monday thru Thursday and picked up the next day with whatever time is left, (if any), and situations as they were when play was suspended.
7. Game time for each age group is as follows:
Ages 3-4: 1 hour
Ages 5-8: 1hour and 15 minutes
Ages 9-15: 1 hour and 30 minutes
8. In the regular season should at the completion of regulation time and or regular innings a game end in a tie score, the game will be ruled a tie and ended. During the post season the game will be extended, and the California rule will be implemented in all extra innings.
9. Each player CAN ONLY SIT A MAXIMUM OF 1 INNING IN A GAME. The only exceptions to this are injury or illness.
10. There will be a limit of 7 runs per inning in all age groups except 9/10 where there will be a 5-run limit per half inning.
11. Pitching week for ages 9 and up will start 12am Monday and end at 11:59 pm Sunday.
12. Each team will bat the complete roster.
13. Each team will have free substitution.
14. There will be a grace period of 15 minutes for the first game of the day, including Saturday games. The 15-minute grace period will be counted toward the game time. A team must begin play immediately if there are 8 players present or forfeit the game. No exceptions.
15. Ages 9 and up: if a pitcher hits 3 batters in the same game, the pitcher must be removed from the mound for the remainder of the game.
16. Ages 9 and up will follow "DIZZY DEAN" guidelines regarding pitch count limits. Also, pitchers are only to pitch a total of 6 outs in a game. Any pitcher to throw a live pitch that is considered ineligible due to pitching more than their 6-out limit, pitch count, days' rest will be deemed an illegal pitcher. Punishment will result in manager ejection for that game. Ejection will count towards total season ejections for manager.
17. Canton Baseball will follow "BCYA" guidelines regarding bat rules. Bat must be USA or USSSA stamped bat for all ages 12u and under. T-Ball age group only will be permitted to use a T-ball stamped bat. 13u will use BBCOR -3 stamped bats only. If illegal bat is found in play there will be a warning and bat must be removed from field/dugout. 2nd offence will be an ejection of manager for that game.
18. Postseason play will be played by league rules with these exceptions:
* Ages 9 and up will follow tournament pitching rules as given in the Dizzy Dean rule book while still abiding by the 6 out max.
* Teams 8 and under may play as many as 3 games in one day.
* Ages 9 and up will not be required to play more than 2 games in a day.
19. All ages will receive 1 warning per player for slinging the bat. The next infraction will be an out.
20. Players will only be allowed to play in an age division that is no more than one step above their age division.
21. In age divisions 9 and up pinch runners will be allowed as an option for catchers. The pinch runner shall be the last batted out, regardless of if the out occurred in the current inning or the previous inning.
22. All Coaches must wear a team cap or Canton Baseball hat and team jersey.
23. Alcohol /Drugs/ Tobacco are prohibited in the park. Penalty for alcohol/drugs is being banned from the park.
24. Profanity is prohibited in the park. Penalty for profanity is ejection.
25. Fighting is prohibited in the park. Penalty for fighting is being banned from the park.
26. Coaches ejected from a game must serve a one game suspension on the next scheduled game.
27. Coaches ejected twice during the same season will be removed from coaching the remainder of the season pending a review by the grievance committee.
28. Players that throw equipment/display bad behavior in anger will be ejected per umpire’s discretion.
29. Coaches that throw equipment with ill intention will be ejected.
30. Players ejected from two games during the season must serve a one game suspension on the next scheduled game.
31. All draft rules must be followed per Section 800. No trades under any circumstance will be made after the draft of the specific age group. Any special circumstances will be reviewed and voted on by the board and each team manager in the age group affected.
32. Managers are responsible for their fans.
33. Tournament seeding will be determined by the following:
1. W/L Record 2. Head-to-Head 3. Runs Allowed 4. Runs Scored 5 Differential 6. Coin Flip
32. Walk up music will be allowed under these guidelines:
The batting team will control the music
The music must be clean with no distasteful lyrics, curse words, etc.
34. No Organized Practice or Game shall be scheduled when the organization deems it is unsafe to play due to weather, temps, or any other circumstances they deem unfit.
Age Division Rules
Ages 3 & 4:
101. This is a training league. There will be no official score, umpires, or league standings.
Rules of Play:
102. The 20' arc in front of home plate will be used for defensive purposes only. Players must stay beyond this line.
103. There is no minimum distance traveled by the ball for it to be fair.
104. A team will bat all players every inning regardless of the number of outs made.
105. Teams will play for 1 hour or after having played 2 innings; whichever happens first.
106. An adult coach may pitch up to 3 pitches then the ball will be placed on the tee and the hitter will continue until the ball is hit.
107. There will be no strikeouts.
108. A batter may advance only one base per hit.
109. Runners may advance only one base per hit.
110. Any runner trying to take a base that is tagged or forced out will be called out and an explanation of the call will be given to the runner. The runner will remain on the base regardless of the call.
111. A hitting coach will be allowed to assist the batter at the plate.
112. There can be 2 base coaches who will utilize the coaching boxes at bases 1st and 3rd.
113. All coaches must stay clear of the players and the base paths when the ball is in play.
114. All players on the team play every inning in the field.
115. There will be no limit on the number of fielders.
116. Coaches or approved members only will be permitted on the field.
Ages 5-8 (Common):
201. Each offensive batter must wear a complete helmet, including face mask.
202. The defensive team pitcher must wear a complete helmet, including face mask, no exceptions.
203. The catcher must wear headgear (that includes a face mask) and a chest protector.
204. A game will be considered complete when a team cannot mathematically tie or win the game, or time has expired.
205. There will be no walks.
206. Teams will play all players in the field regardless the number. The following guidelines will apply:
* There will be a limit of 6 infielders including the catcher.
* There will be no limit on the number of outfielders. (Note: Outfield is considered both feet completely in the grass)
207. There will only be one successful bunt allowed per inning per team. Each bunt after the first will be called an out. We emphasize the bunt to be used to teach the child to advance the runner in certain scenarios and not as a scoring tool to produce offense.
208. An adult pitcher must stay within a straight line in a standing position between home plate and the pitching rubber. They may pitch from any distance from the home plate arc and the pitcher circle.
209. There will be 1 warning per player for slinging the bat. After this, the batter will be out each time they sling the bat.
210. An offensive batter will receive 5 pitches. If the batter does not hit the ball in play or strike out after the delivery of the fifth pitch they will be declared out. If the fifth pitch is fouled the at bat will continue.
211. Teams will play all players regardless of the number of players on the opposing team. It is the coaches’ responsibility to recruit players needed to play by following the rules in sections 301,401 and 501.
212. Coach pitch age groups are allowed 2 defensive coaches in outfield foul territory. Coaches must remain in the grass at all times. If umpire deems coach is not in permitted area or creating a distraction to opposing team, umpire can put defensive coaches in dugout for remainder of the game.
Ages 5-6
301. The 5- and 6-year-old age groups will have two farm league teams from the age group directly below. One team will be the same team’s name in the division and the other team will be a hat pick team chosen at the draft. If there is no matching team in the lower division two hat picks will be given for farm teams. Any team will be allowed to borrow only two (2) players from any of the teams in the lower age division. Each team can borrow only two (2) players in order to meet a maximum of 9 players total. The players must bat at the end of the lineup and play outfield.
Age 7
401. 7-year-old age group will have two 6-year-old farm league teams. One team will be the same team’s name in the 6-year-old division and the other team will be a hat pick team chosen at the draft. If there is no matching team in the lower division two hat picks will be given for farm teams. Any team will be allowed to borrow only two (2) players from the designated team in the Canton Baseball 6-year-old age group. Each team can borrow only two (2) players to meet a maximum of 9 players total. The players must bat at the end of the lineup and play outfield. The players also cannot be used before a regular scheduled game with his or her current team.
Age 8
501. 8-year-old age group will have two 7-year-old farm league teams. One team will be the same team name in the 7-year-old division and the other team will be a hat pick team chosen at the draft. If there is no matching team in the lower division two hat picks will be given for farm teams. Any team will be allowed to borrow only two (2) players from the designated team in the Canton Baseball 7-year-old age group. Each team can borrow only two (2) players to meet a maximum of 9 players total. The players must bat at the end of the lineup and play outfield. The players also cannot be used before a regular scheduled game with his or her current team.
Ages 9/10
601. The umpire does not have to give time-out to a defensive player to prevent a runner from advancing.
602. If the forward progress of a base runner has stopped, and the pitcher has the ball anywhere on the rubber, the play is stopped, and the runner must return to the base. This will be called at the umpire’s discretion.
603. 2024 Rule Changes
- Balks will be enforced at the umpires discretion
-5 Runs per half inning max
-Drop 3rd strike in effect (IF 1ST BASE IS UNOCCUPIED UNLESS THERE ARE 2 OUTS)
-Runners may lead off
-bases will move to 65' mound will be at 46'
-A pitcher may only pitch 6 outs in a game (Dizzy Dean pitch count is still in play)
-Runner at 3rd base cannot steal home and cannot advance on a passed ball
-Bases loaded with 2 outs on a drop 3rd strike, all runners may advance including the runner at 3rd.
-Teams may field 10 players, 6 infielders and 4 outfielders. (Outfielders must start the play with both feet in the grass)
-Players can only sit a maximum of 1 inning per game
-Game will end when time expires or mathematical elimination
604. 9/10-year-old age group will have two 8-year-old farm league teams. One team will be the same team name in the 8-year-old division and the other team will be a hat pick team chosen at the draft. If there is no matching team in the lower division two hat picks will be given for farm teams. Any team will be allowed to borrow only two (2) players from the designated team in the Canton Baseball 8-year-old age group. Each team can borrow only two (2) players to meet a maximum of 9 players total. The players must bat at the end of the lineup and play outfield. The players also cannot be used before a regular scheduled game with his or her current team.
605. A game will be considered complete when a team cannot mathematically tie or win the game.
Ages 11/12
701. The 11/12-year-old division will follow "BCYA" guidelines addressing the advancement of a batter on a dropped third strike by the catcher. The runner’s ability to advance will be at the umpire discretion based upon whether the batter forfeited that right by leaving the batter’s box with the intention of returning to the dugout.
702. 11/12-year-old age group will have two 9/10-year-old farm league teams. One team will be the same team name in the 9/10-year-old division and the other team will be a hat pick team chosen at the draft. If there is no matching team in the lower division two hat picks will be given for farm teams. Any team will be allowed to borrow only two (2) players from the designated team in the Canton Baseball 9/10-year-old age group. Each team can borrow only two (2) players to meet a maximum of 9 players total. The players must bat at the end of the lineup and play outfield. The players also cannot be used before a regular scheduled game with his or her current team.
703. A game will be considered complete when a team cannot mathematically tie/win the game or time expires.
704. 11/12 pitchers may only pitch a total of 6 outs in a game with Dizzy Dean pitch count still in effect.
Ages 13-15
801. 13-15 will be required to use BBCOR -3 bats
802. 13-15 Pitchers will only be allowed to pitch a total of 6 outs in a game with Dizzy Dean pitch count still in effect.
803. 13-15 Will follow MLB rule book.
804. 13-15 NO METAL SPIKE CLEATS ALLOWED BY ANY PLAYER AT ANY POSITION. If player has metal spike cleats they will not be allowed to return to the field of play until corrected.
Draft Process
- The manager and/or one assistant coach is required to attend the draft. (If the assistant coach attends their child must be a protected player.)
- Managers and coaches in attendance will need to check in with the league VP and/or secretary before the draft begins to obtain a draft sheet. Players will be assigned a number to make the draft process run more efficiently.
- Draft order will be determined by drawing numbers out of a hat. The order in which coaches draw, will be based on seniority. After each team has two players, the draft will begin with pick number 1 in a snake draft order. (1-8 then 8-1)
- Players who do not attend the assessments will be placed on a team and cannot be drafted. Placement is determined by drawing names out of a hat at the end of the draft using the predetermined draft order. All coaches will need to be present for this drawing.
- Coach pitch age groups can protect two players in addition to their own child for their team. If a coach does not have a child or protect then the coach will select up to two eligible players prior to start of draft. Kid pitch age groups will receive 1 protect and their child. (Exception-manager brings up a sibling from age group below. Coaches may take a younger sibling in the third round.)If a coach has 2 siblings in the same age group they will be allowed to take one child, two protects, other child must be selected round 1. All protected players must be submitted to the league VP 24 hours before the draft. Coaches must have a protect form signed by the parent of the protected player.
- If a sibling is picked in a round, the other sibling will automatically be your next pick in the following round.
- Coaches can trade players, but it must be approved by the VP of the league and the trade must occur during the same round that the pick was made. Hat picks can only be traded within the same round.
- Team uniform selection will be based on seniority.
- The VP will assign each team two “farm teams” from the age group below. If you need additional players for a game, you must pull up players from your designated farm teams.
- Coaches are required to notify the parents that they will be coaching their child within 24 hours of the draft. If unable to communicate with the parent, please request aid from VP.
- Form a GroupMe for team communication and scheduling.