Volunteer Auxiliary

The Canton Baseball Auxiliary is a group of volunteers whose goal is to plan and execute park events to the highest level of quality and satisfaction of our customers:  our children and our families.  We are extremely proud of our baseball organization strive to constantly grow with the everchanging baseball landscape while putting out a quality product for our community to enjoy.  Our volunteers are continually involved in the planning, communication, and fulfillment of our park goals.  Our constant efforts ensure that the park can continue to grow and improve in various ways each year. 

Volunteer Auxiliary oversees many aspects of our park’s success such as the following:  community communication, registration, assisting with player tryouts and drafts, fundraisers, Team Moms, concessions stand, uniforms, spirit wear, Opening Weekend, individual/team pictures, community service projects, and park improvement projects.  We have a great time working together and make wonderful new friends through our organization.  If you interested in any further information regarding Volunteer Auxiliary, please contact Claudia Lamanac 404-429-3490.